This page will guide you through the key points on choosing your resin bound installation company...
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Smaller Contractor
There are many smaller installers that offer resin bound driveways, patios and pathways accross the country. Although they may not specialise specifficaly in resin bound surfacing, many have lots of experience within the industry. Below are some advantages of why to use these installed and some questions that need to be asked.
Prices are usually cheaper than the large companies​
Communication is usually better as the contractor details with you directly
The installer is usually local to you so can respond to any issues quickly
As the installer is local you would have a reduced waiting time for the project to start
Questions to Ask and Problems
Most business's will offer a 5 or 10 year gurentee. If this isn't insuranced backed, you should check how long the business has been operating. You can do this for free on the companies house website
Check the compaines website for before and after photos of driveways they have installed. Many smaller companies use generic photos that can be found on several websites.
Ask to see a certifficate of a training course that the contractor has attened.
You should ask to see a copy of the contractors public liability insurance before they start
Always check which supplier the contractor uses for their resin and stone

The Large Specialist Installer
Usually offer an insurance backed guarentee
Have more experience at laying the resin and stone product
Cover the whole of the UK
Have office staff and premisis they work from
Offer contracts for the work they are undertaking
There are many companies that specialise in the installation of resin bound surfacing and their main focus is resinbound surfacing therefore don't offer other products such as block paving or tarmacing. Below are some benifits of using this type of company for your installation and some key questions that need to be answered before you sign your contract with them:
Are the installers sub-contractors or on pay as you earn?
What does the warranty actually cover? (Read the T&C's!)
Many of the sales people are employed on a commision only basis which can increase your price
As many of the larger business's use commisioned sales representatives, be cautious of signing on the day to recieve "the special discount", take you're time and ask for a comparison quote from another installer first.
Which supplier do they use for their resin? Just because it's a larger company, don't presume they are using the highest quality resin. Have a look at our RESIN SUPPLIER page before signing.
Have a look at review websites before signing, yell.com, checkatrade.co.uk.
Different Types of Contractors
Problem With Your Resin Driveway?
Not sure what to do?
Have a look at our independant advice on what the best ways to contact your installer and what they should be doing to rectify the problem....
How should the materials be mixed?
Once you've chosen your contractor you'll want to ensure that they're doing what they should be!
Take a look at our install guide of what should be taking place...
Questions to Ask and Problems

There are many landscapers that have started offering resin bound surfacing as it's a popular option for patios and pathways. Many landscapers also install driveways as a part of the services they offer. Most of the key points are similar to employing a small contractor, have a read below of what to look out for.
Landscapers generally have a good eye for design and may offer you a more attractive and comprehensive design
A landscaper may be able to offer more choice of edgings and advice on which colour to choose.
Questions to Ask and Problems
You should apply the same checks as mentioned above for the smaller contractor when looking at hiring at landscaper for your project